Thursday, June 16, 2011

They're Back!

Matt has been underway with the Stennis for almost six weeks.  The ship (and Matt) returned to Bremerton on Monday after a busy training and evaluation period in preparation for their upcoming deployment.

Baylee and I weren't very exciting during the time he was gone.  Baylee was like a slug.  Slug behavior is one of her areas of expertise though, so she spent time perfecting her craft..

She can do that for hours on end.

I was a bit of a slug too.  
Well, maybe not that bad, but  I was happy to see the ship back and took a few shots of the arrival.

Here is the ship approaching the pier.  

With the help of the tugs, it inches ever so slowly into place on the side of the pier.

Almost there.

 Family and friends await the arrival.

There's Matt!  

And a happy dog when we get home.