Thursday, November 25, 2010

La Nina Strikes

We've been told that the Seattle area doesn't get snow very often.  That hasn't been our experience.  Our first winter, when we lived in Mukilteo, it snowed up to a foot or more on a couple of occasions.  It seemed the ground was covered with the white stuff more than it wasn't that winter.

  It is very pretty when it snows here, and equally important, when it is snowing, it is not raining.  It breaks up the monotony.  But this was an anomaly.  Or so we were told.

This year the forecasters have been warning of a colder, snowier winter than normal due to a La Nina weather pattern.  This past week the predictions bore out as we had a pre-Thanksgiving snowstorm that brought autumn to an abrupt end. 

It started with what looked like was going to be just a dusting.  Nothing too significant.

But around noon on Monday, it started snowing again.

And kept snowing.

And just kept snowing.

The winds picked and the temperature dropped.

By Monday evening, due to numerous downed power lines, we found ourselves without electricity (along with 100,000 other families).

Thanks to a gas fireplace and gas stove top, we were able to get through by doing some indoor camping.

The next morning the temperatures were even lower.

 It was time for Baylee to put on her winter jacket.  The jury is still out on whether or not she likes her jacket.

As we headed into the second night without electricity, we were getting used to the routine.  Hard working crews were able to restore power for most of the area after about 32 hours and saved a lot of holiday dinners.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!