Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer and it certainly felt that way this weekend. Friday was beautiful and warm, but by Monday, fall was definitely in the air.

We started the weekend with a trip to Seattle. We did a little shopping in the downtown stores and then headed to Pike Market for lunch.  We grabbed a spot on the patio of a bistro overlooking Elliot Bay and enjoyed the sunshine. There were a lot of tourists who had the same idea.

The weather was dreary on Sunday morning, but we had plans to join a group from the Poulsbo Yacht Club for a Labor Day cruise to Kingston, Washington. We waited out the weather and it eventually turned into a nice autumn afternoon.

Once we cleared Agate Pass we set the sails. There was a steady breeze from the south and we sailed all the way to the breakwater in Kingston (with only one intentional  jibe).

In addition to the ferries and float planes, we saw a blimp cruising over the Puget Sound.  We've learned that in addition to doing promotion for the sponsor, scientists use it to study the orcas.

 And Carol got to try out her new sailing shoes.

Once in Kingston, we attended a yacht club party. Here was our table, with Bill, Susan, Linda, Tom, Phil and Carol.

Tom is a professional photographer and took this photo of us (with our cell phone).

Soon the dancing started. We made it out to the dance floor once, but spent a lot more time socializing.

Monday was cold, cloudy, and blustery, a true Northwest fall sailing day, with 20-25 knots of wind and a steady chop.

After bouncing around for awhile, we set the mainsail and cruised toward home, making good time.

The trawlers got started a little later so we ended up leading the parade back to the yacht club marina.

Now that fall is here, we are looking forward to more wind and good sailing. 

Have a great (short) week!