Thursday, November 11, 2010

48 Japan

Matt decided he wanted some Japanese food this past weekend, so he flew to Tokyo for an authentic meal.  OK, not really.  However, he did fly to Japan for work.  While it may sound exciting, unfortunately he was only there for 48 hours with most of his time taken up with meetings.  This was his first time in Japan so he took what pictures he could.  And he did get a couple of meals while he was there and reports that he enjoyed the Japanese sushi.

Here he is about to leave for the airport.  Hey Baylee---where do you think you are going?  Get back here. Nice try though.

The trip started on Saturday with a ten and a half hour flight. Several crossword puzzles, two movies, lots of reading and a couple naps later it was Sunday night thanks to crossing the international date line. Once through customs, it was another two hours by mini-bus to the U.S naval base at Yokosuka.

Despite the work schedule, there was time for one trip into the city for dinner.
From the selection above the choice was a large plate of udon noodles, tempura and sushi.

Back at the airport, the food selection was a little more familiar. Matt went for a bowl of noodles instead.

The flight home was shorter, only eight and a half hours. And thanks again to the date line, the plane left on Tuesday afternoon and arrived on Tuesday morning. It was a brief trip, and very interesting. But after all that time in an airplane, staying closer to home next weekend sounds really good!