Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heat Wave

The temperature reached into the 70's on Saturday.  Finally!!! Yes, we know, compared to other parts of the nation, the Pacific Northwest is a little slow to come around to summer-like weather.  And yes, around here, 70-something degrees IS summer-like.  Ninety degree days are pretty rare. 

So that you understand why we were so happy, this was the weather in the middle of the week.

And this was the weather on Saturday.

So we got on our bikes and set out on a ride to Indianola and Suquamish. Both are on Madison Bay and are part of the Suquamish Indian Reservation.  The ride turned out to be longer than we had planned--22 miles!  And it was way more hilly than expected. 

In Suquamish, we stopped and visited the gravesite of Chief Sealth,  the tribal chief for whom Seattle is named.

The payoff in Indianola was this view of Mt. Rainier, not often seen throughout the year due to all of the rain.   

Oh yeah, and there was this much-needed payoff at the end of the ride.

The new boat is due here this week.  Just in time for summer!
Have a great week!