Friday, December 2, 2011

Coast to coast

One of the benefits of Navy life has been traveling across the county between Matt's duty stations. Okay, some would say that is not a really a benefit, particularly those who aren't  fond of being in the car for days on end. But recently, we made the journey, the we being Baylee and me.  Matt will join us early next year when he returns from deployment.

We started out early in the morning.  This was the view from the ferry as the sun was coming up.

Then it was on to the interstate.

Approaching Spokane.

Good-bye Washington.  Hello Idaho.

Lunch time.

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

Montana. Western Montana is really beautiful.

First night on the road.  Missoula, Montana.

Dinner was at a pizza place.  Loved the Western theme.

Baylee didn't seem to mind it when she got her own bed for the night.  

The low-lying clouds the next morning added to the stunning scenery.


Are we there yet?

South Dakota.

The Wall Drug Store of bumper sticker fame.  

Check off another state.  Wisconsin.

Started to see some early autumn colors on the trees.


Lake Michigan.

Getting closer.  On to Ohio.


Pennsylvania?  The trip is practically over.  OK, maybe not. But making progress!

We pushed through New York and Massachussetts and made it to Providence.  So the last day was by far the shortest.  

Approaching the Jamestown Verrazano Bridge.  

Then the Newport Bridge.

We made it!

A few days later, we moved in and started to get settled.

Happy dog.